The History of Sunbeds

In the late 19th century, Danish physician Niels Ryben Finsen was falling ill. As his health declined, he became increasingly interested in the medical benefits of sunlight.

Over the course of his research, he discovered that sun rays could help patients with a variety of ailments. Finsen developed the Finsen lamp, a carbon arc lamp that emitted ultraviolet rays.

Finsen won the Nobel Prize for his creation and helped a great number of people. His work with UVA paved the way for modern sunbeds

As tanning became increasingly popular throughout the 20th century, the demand for convenient indoor tanning methods grew, too.

A German Scientist names Friedrich Wolff, discovered that lamps that emitted 95 percent UVA and 5 percent UVB had a reduced risk of sunburns, as opposed to the high-UVB lamps which had been common up to that point. These high UVA lamps grew in popularity after he started selling them in tanning beds in 1975. Today our beds at Radiant Vibes in Swaffham are more sophisticated and have more gadgets but are based on the same science.